The Richard Outcault Team Spirit Award

The Richard Outcault Team Spirit Award, was introduced in year 2000 to honour the memory of the late Richard Outcault, a former competitor at the John Molson MBA ICC. Richard Outcault was a member of the Northeastern University team in ’98. Three days before the start of the competition, Richard’s father suddenly became terminally ill. However, Richard remained positive, and in accordance with his father’s dying wish, he left his father’s side to compete in the competition. Richard joined his team in Montreal just in time to experience the Great Ice Storm of 1998. In spite of all these tribulations, the Northeastern team took first prize that year! Richard missed the award ceremony to attend his father’s funeral. The story only gets more grim as – in 2000 – Richard succumbed to a rare illness.

Those who knew Richard at the competition in ’98, most notably his fellow participants, were in awe of his physical and mental stamina, not to mention his humour, creativity, and positive outlook. He truly cherished the “MBA ICC experience” and embodied the “team player” attitude. The Richard Outcault Team Spirit Award was introduced in 2000 by Northeastern University and the organizers of the John Molson MBA ICC to honor Richard’s memory and spirit.

While competing, it’s easy to lose sense of our peers. Each year, we award one team that demonstrates genuine team spirit and collaboration. This award is presented at our Final Banquet.

Previous Winners

Congratulations to our winning teams in years past:

2025Barna Management School, Dominican Republic
2024Team Global
2023McMaster University, Canada
2022Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
2020McMaster University, Canada
2019LUND University, Sweden
2018Universidad Panamericana Guadalajara
2017The American University of Beirut, Olayan School of Business, Lebanon
2016LUND University, Sweden
2015University of Cape Town, South Africa
2014University College Dublin, Ireland and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2013University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
2012Team Global
2011Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
2010Porto Business School, Portugal
2009Miami University, USA
2008Purdue University – Krannert School of Management, USA
2007Universität Münster, Germany
2006Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India
University of Tennessee – Knoxville
2005Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
2004Universität Paderborn, Germany
2003Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland
2002Heinrich-Heine Universität Dusseldorf, Germany
2001University of Otago, New Zealand
2000Heinrich-Heine Universität Dusseldorf, Germany